Applying hrglobal driver:
Ref Notes : 796167.1 and 140511.1
Check Note 145837.1 "Latest HRMS (HR Global) Legislative Data Patch Available" to determine which legislative patches are needed.
Run datainstall utility to determine which legislations are installed
$AFJVAPRG oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps <apps passwd> thin <db server>:<listener port>:<SID>
Select option 1. This will show you which language legislations are currently installed. Use this list to determine which legislation patches are required according to the note above.
To exit the application, type <return>, select option 4, and choose 'N'.
Apply all recommended LEGISLATIVE PATCHES (NLS: Required if applicable)
Run datainstall utility
$AFJVAPRG oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps <apps passwd> thin <db server>:<listener port>:<SID>
Choose to FORCE install already installed legislations
Apply $PER_TOP/patch/115/driver/hrglobal.drv - using adpatch
adpatch defaultsfile=$APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/onlinedef.txt \
patchtop=$PER_TOP/patch/115/driver \
logfile=HRGLOBAL.log driver=hrglobal.drv \
workers=24 \
patchtop=$PER_TOP/patch/115/driver \
logfile=HRGLOBAL.log driver=hrglobal.drv \
workers=24 \
Country codes
SELECT DECODE(hli.legislation_code
,hli.legislation_code) legCode
, hli.application_short_name asn
, hli.status status, last_update_date
FROM hr_legislation_installations hli
where hli.status = 'I';
,hli.legislation_code) legCode
, hli.application_short_name asn
, hli.status status, last_update_date
FROM hr_legislation_installations hli
where hli.status = 'I';
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