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Locking Improvements for Index Rebuild

Written By askMLabs on Sunday, October 4, 2009 | 10:39 AM

Locking Improvements for Index Rebuild :

Red for session 1

Green for session 2

Blue for session 3


*** 10g


In session (1)

SQL-1> CREATE TABLE test_ind_table AS SELECT rownum id, 'Krishna Murthy' name FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 10000;

Table created.

SQL-1> CREATE INDEX test_ind_table_i ON test_ind_table(id);

Index created.

*** In other session (2)

SQL-2> INSERT INTO test_ind_table VALUES (10001, 'Mahesh');

1 row created.

*** In the orginal session (1)

*** session hangs (due to inability to get table lock due to session 2)

*** In yet another session (3)

SQL-3> INSERT INTO test_ind_table VALUES (10002, 'Srinivas');
*** It now hangs due to lock from session 1 , as would a transaction on the test_ind_table table in session 4 and 5 and 6 and   ...

*** Now commit in session (2)


Commit complete.
*** releases the lock in session 3 and the index rebuild is free to proceed but it will eventually get stuck again as it now requires another lock to complete the rebuild process ...

*** In session 2, perform another insert before session 3 commits ...

SQL-2> INSERT INTO test_ind_table VALUES (10003, 'Satish');
*** and now it in turn hangs due to the rebuild needing the second table lock

*** perform the commit in session (3)

SQL-3> commit;

Commit complete.
and it allows the rebuild in session 1 to finally finish and in turn allows the update in session 2 to then be released and complete as well

*** So a rebuild requires a lock at the start and at the end of the index rebuild process, even if performed ONLINE

*** These locks in turn cause other concurrent transactions on the table to hang as well

*** 11g
*** In session (1)
SQL-1> CREATE TABLE test_ind_table AS SELECT rownum id, 'Krishna Murthy' name FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 10000;

Table created.

SQL-1> CREATE INDEX test_ind_table_i ON test_ind_table(id);

Index created.

*** In other session (2)

SQL-2> INSERT INTO test_ind_table VALUES (10001, 'Mahesh');

1 row created.

*** In the orginal session (1)

session still hangs (due to inability to get table lock due to session 2)

*** In yet another session (3)

SQL-3> INSERT INTO test_ind_table VALUES (10002, 'Srinivas');

1 row created.
*** Big change. This session is no longer impacted by the rebuild trying to get it's table lock. It can carry on happily ..

*** Performing a Commit in session 2 will allow the rebuild to commence but it will be stuck again with the incomplete transaction in session 3.

SQL-2> commit;

Commit complete.
*** Performing another insert in session 2 will complete fine as again the rebuild does not impact other transactions

SQL-2> INSERT INTO test_ind_table VALUES (10003, 'Satish');

1 row created.
*** commiting the transactions in both session 2 and 3 will allow the rebuild to finally complete

SQL-2> commit; (session 2)

Commit complete.

Index altered.  (session 1).
*** So an online rebuild in 11g can still be impacted by concurrent transactions but it in turn will not cause locking issues for other concurrent transactions on the base table

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