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Installing 11gR2 Single Instance Database With Non-ASM Storage

Written By askMLabs on Thursday, December 16, 2010 | 7:10 PM

The present demo shows you how to install 11gR2 single instance database with Non-ASM storage.
Following sequence is followed ..

  1. Install Linux 5.x on VMware server linux machine
  2. Prepare Linux Machine for 11gR2 software installation
  3. Install 11gR2 software
  4. Create 11gR2 database with Non-ASM storage
1. Install Linux 5.x on VMware server linux machine
Follow the demo  VMware Server – Linux installation and complete the linux installation.

2. Prepare Linux Machine for 11gR2 software installation
Follow the article  Prepare Linux virtual machine for 11gR2 installation on Linux 5.x and prepare Linux OS for 11gR2 Database Installation.

3. Install 11gR2 software
Follow the following demo and install 11gR2 software.

4. Create 11gR2 database with Non-ASM storage

Follow the following demo to create 11gR2 database with Non-ASM storage.

Now you installed 11gR2 database successfully.

Hope it helps

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