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Duplicate Database Using RMAN Without Connecting To Target Database

Written By askMLabs on Tuesday, April 1, 2014 | 12:57 PM

In this document, we are going to explain the step by step configuration details to duplicate a database from a different previous incarnation without connecting to the target database.

I have seen many articles on google about this and found no article with the practical approach. Many articles described to duplicate the database without connecting to target database, but copying the backups to auxiliary database server. In this article, i will show you the practical approach how the backup available on tsm should be configured to be available to auxiliary server.

1. Environment :

TSM configuration
Rman Catalog

 Please note here that the target environment is the environment which we use as source to duplicate database and auxiliary database is the database which is to be created by using the target database backups.

Please try to understand the complexity of the environment. Here, target database and auxiliary databases are configured with different tsm's.  The target database backups are available on tsm5 and we need to present these backups to dbrfl server.

2. Task :
We need to create a new duplicated database CRPERF  from the backups of CRPROD  to a date prior to the point that it is opened with resetlogs  ie  we need to duplicate CRPROD to CRPERF, to the parent incarnation of the CRPROD. There are different approaches to complete this task. In the present document, we are going to use "duplicating a database without connecting to target database" as described in the oracle documentation here.

RMAN> list incarnation of database crprod;
List of Database Incarnations
DB Key  Inc Key DB Name  DB ID            STATUS  Reset SCN  Reset Time
------- ------- -------- ---------------- --- ---------- ----------
2721859 2721860 CRPROD   1190017710       PARENT  1               18-MAR-11
2721859 233687610 CRPROD   1190017710       CURRENT 2321471232053         21-MAR-14

CRPROD is opened with reset logs on 21-MAR-2014 and it started a new incarnation. Our aim is to restore and recover the CRPROD as of time 13-MAR-2014. The time 13-MAR-2014 is not in the current incarnation and it is in the parent incarnation. We will get the following error if we try to duplicate the database connecting to target database

RMAN-06004: ORACLE error from recovery catalog database: RMAN-20207: UNTIL TIME or RECOVERY WINDOW is before RESETLOGS time

3. Procedure
3.1 Prepare auxiliary environment :
Calculate the space requirements and make sure you have enough space available for duplicating database.
Prepare init.ora file for auxiliary database and make sure you include following two variables in the init.ora file.
db_file_name_convert =("/u02/oradata/crprod/", "/u02/oradata/crperf/")
log_file_name_convert =("/u02/oradata/crprod/", "/u02/oradata/crperf/")

Please refer to my other article for detailed steps on how to configure environment for duplication RMAN DUPLICATION FROM TAPE BACKUPS.

3.2 Configure TSM on auxiliary environment:
The tsm backups for production are available on tsm5 where as the CRPERF environment is configured to have its backups on tsm6. So we need to complete the following configuration to make sure that the production backups available on tsm5 are available to crperf servers.

Create  a temporary directory on dbrfl.askmlabs.com to keep all the tsm5 configuration files.
mkdir $HOME/dup_perf

Copy the following files to the directory created above from the server dbprl.askmlabs.com.
  • dsm.opt.tsm5   ( This configuration file specified whether tsm backups are on tsm5 or tsm6)
  • CRPROD_tdpo.opt  ( tsm tape configuration files to connect to the tsm5)
  • TDPO.tdpdbprl  ( password files from production dbprl.askmlabs.com )
Now create the following symlinks to point the configuration files.
$ cd $HOME/dup_perf
$ ln -s dsm.opt.tsm5   dsm.opt
$ ln -s /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys  dsm.sys

Now the directory  $HOME/dup_perf  should look as below ...
 [oracle@dbrfl ~]$ ls -lrt /home/oracle/dup_perf
total 32
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba  48 Mar 27 16:34 TDPO.tdpdbprl
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 744 Mar 27 16:39 dsm.opt.tsm5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba  12 Mar 27 16:40 dsm.opt -> dsm.opt.tsm5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba  37 Mar 27 16:40 dsm.sys -> /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 693 Mar 27 16:45 CRPROD_tdpo.opt
[oracle@dbrfl ~]$

Edit the CRPROD_tdpo.opt file to point the password file(TDPO_PSWDPATH) and DSM configuration files (DSMI_ORC_CONFIG ) to the location created above.
DSMI_ORC_CONFIG    /home/oracle/ dup_perf/dsm.opt
TDPO_PSWDPATH       /home/oracle/ dup_perf

Execute the following command to verify the tsm configuration on perf server :
# tdpoconf showenv -TDPO_OPT=/home/oracle/ dup_perf /CRPROD_tdpo.opt
( in the output verify the details  Server Name ,  Server Address  and  Node Name that they are reflecting the correct values)

3.3 Execute the duplicate command :
Connect to the production database and get the database id which will be used in the rman duplication command.

Connect to the auxiliary database server and start the database in nomount.

Connect to the rman as below ( NOTE : we are not connecting to the target database)

rman auxiliary /  catalog rmancat/xxxxxxxx@rcatprod
RMAN> run {
configure auxiliary channel 1 device type sbt parms="ENV=(TDPO_OPTFILE=/home/oracle/dup_perf /CRPROD_tdpo.opt)";
DUPLICATE DATABASE crprod DBID 1895637710 to crperf until time "TO_DATE('03/13/2014', 'MM/DD/YYYY')"   NOFILENAMECHECK;

4. Verification:
Connect to the newly duplicated database and exeucute the following commands
SQL> select instance_name,status from v$instance;
SQL> select created from v$database;
SQL> archive log list;   ( disable archive log if it is enabled)

5. Post Duplication Steps :
Register the CRPERF database with the RMAN dev catalog.

Contact me if you have any doubts in this process.

Hope this helps

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